Intuitive I Ching

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

Before composing a question to the I Ching, clear your mind and focus on the subject about which you want advice.

Immediately before formulating your question, try to rid your mind of other matters causing you concern. Concentrate only on the subject matter about which you want an answer - otherwise the I Ching can easily answer these other concerns rather than the specific matter to which you consciously want clarity.

The I Ching operates from a framework which does not include time; time is our own earthly construct. The best the I Ching can do on timing is to indicate whether the events it foresees will take place immediately, in the near future or far ahead. So, questions with ‘when’ in them should be treated with caution.

Don’t get yourself into a state! The I Ching happily answers anything from ‘Shall I give my guests tea or coffee?’ to ‘Shall I risk the sack by telling my boss he’s an old idiot?’ It doesn’t make distinctions, nor does it worry. Feel at ease to ask about any subject, however personal or seemingly trivial.

Here below you find links for further information on Taoism and I Ching.

One of the best brief introductions to Taoism can be found at

The book I Ching or Book of Changes in the version we prefer appears to be out of print but many second hand copies are available through Amazon. This is the Richard Wilhelm/Cary Baynes translation, with a foreword by C.G. Jung. This version was published by Princeton University Press in the USA and Routledge & Kegan Paul in the UK.

Other methods of divination include astrology, and concerning financial matters we have received good advice from Christeen Skinner in London. Christeen’s webpage, The Financial Universe, is well worth looking at, and if you have investments, joining the list of her free Full Moon newsletter is recommended.